The Story Behind the Fitts Logo
The Fitts “Blade & Plane” logo has great significance to our company. Its meaning represents the arrival off raw, cut, undried lumber to our facility and the creation of a finished wood stair component part. The process
is painstakingly meticulous and requires an attention to detail unmatched in our industry. First, quality hardwoods must be purchased and delivered to site. This material must meet the rigorous standards as it is inspected by our certified lumber grader. The lumber is then air dried for as long as six months before it is then kiln dried on site. Then the magic happens.
Handrails, newel posts, balusters, treads, risers and more are turned, moulded, sanded, warehoused, and shipped to fine homes throughout the United States and Japan. Our logo represents this transformation. It is the result of our efforts and it represents the standard to which we produce to. The symbol appears on every box. It is the mark of our approval that we stand behind.
Fitts Industries, Inc. | Manufacturing Excellence | Since 1947